Credo of Accountability

I have come to believe that:

In the past I have made choices that resulted in harm to those around me, even to those I love, and even to myself.

Having made such choices in the past, there is every likelihood that I will make similar choices in the future.

I am convinced that the quality of my life is improved by reducing the harm that I do to others, as well as to myself;

Therefore, I make the following commitment:

  • I will pay attention to all the choices that I make (or fail to make) and claim responsibility for them.
  • I will discover all the consequences of my choices regardless of whether such consequences are what I intended.
  • The failure of those I have harmed (or allowed to come to harm) to tell me of the harm done to them will not be an excuse for my not knowing the consequences of my behavior.
  • I will do all that I can to repair the damage done by my acts or omissions.
  • I will recognize the patterns in my behavior that lead to such acts and omissions and will make a conscious and concerted effort to address and change those patterns so that I make healthier choices.